Recently Producer/Director Tamma Reddy Bharadwaj shocked all by making controversial statements on Memu Saitham event organised by Tollywood for hudhud victims. Mega Star Chiranjeevi’s nephew Sai Dharam Tej who visited Tirumala today and had darshan of Lord during the VIP break darshan, later responded to Tamma Reddy’s allegations.
He wondered why Tamma Reddy Bharadwaj commented in such manner on Memu Saitham program and added that he doesn’t know much about it. He said the program was conducted with good intention and he doesn’t know about the criticism. He added that even if it comes, he is not bothered. He reminded that even he performed for dance in Memu Saitham.
Many competed to shake hands with Sai Dharam Tej. Sai said he came to thank god for making his debut film Pilla Nuvvu Leni Jeevitam a success. He revealed he is soon starring under Harish Shankar’s direction on Dil Raju’s banner. He informed that about his first film Rey, producer director YVS.Chowdary will come with an announcement.