It has become a routine for Megastar Chiranjeevi to face heat from Pawan Kalyan’s fans at every audio launch. Most of the Pawan Kalyan fans are no more Mega fans and they seem to be least bothered about Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan. When Pawan Kalyan launched Jana Sena Party no one from Mega family supported him.
Ram Charan and Allu Arjun never miss a chance to use Pawan Kalyan’s name in their films and these two heroes were also silent at that time. Well, these Mega heroes know that it is important to woo Powerstar fans at the time of their film’s release and one can easily understand about their fake love after listening to speeches at audio functions.
Chiranjeevi is fed up of this embarrassing situations at audio events and he strictly informed his team to make sure that Powerstar fans shouldn’t be allowed for the future audio events of Mega family, says a source.