Mega power star Ram Charan is very busy person in tollywood who is trying hard to keep his star image, two of his films are in line-up for release, where one is his debut bollywood venture “Zanjeer” it is bilingual film which will release as “Thoofan” in Telugu, and the second one is a mass entertainer “Yevadu”, these two films may hit the big screens with couple of days. Now latest news is that expect these two films, Ram Charan has announced his future projects. He is completely in action spree to show his power in Tollwood through his films, that why he has given green signal to three more projects. Here is short picture of those three projects, First one is with “Mirchi” fame Director Koratala Shiva where Bandla Ganesh will produce this film, Second under Trivikram Srinivas direction and third will be under Surender Reddy’s direction. So, mega hero is going to give a mega offer to Mega fans with in and all five films. But, we can surely expect two films in this year release but reaming three may entertain next year. Any way this might be definitely a good news to Mega fans.