Tollywood’s Mega family that unveiled Mega Prince, Varun Tej, son of Mega Brother Nagababu, seems to be coming out of from the limited happiness Mukunda, his debut movie, has given. Even though the movie did not score really well at the Box Office with its different story, Mega fans were happy to see the handsome Mega hero on screen.
Varun Tej after taking in all the critic reviews about his acting seems to ponder on improving them. Finally he comes up with his second project pairing up with the impressive director, Krish, who his known for his own directional flavour of his films.
It seems this movie’s story will be related to a pre-independence love story. Krish has done movies like Gamyam, Vedam which speak much of hurdles and realities of life. Addressing the media about his next project, Varun Tej said “Starting my next movie on the 27th this month.
Director Krissh is handling the direction and his friend Rajiv Reddy is producing the movie.” The director did not reveal anything about the story but Varun Tej confirmed that the movie will go on to sets on February 27th. However, this seems to be a happy news to the mega fans to know that their handsome mega hero is going to hit screens very soon.