Popular Tamil Filmmaker, Gautam Menon is planning a multistarer project which will be made as a bilingual in Telugu and Tamil. Earlier he approached Stylish Star Allu Arjun for this project but Bunny did not agree it for some reason. Now the project reached Supreme Hero Sai Dharam Tej’s lap.
Vikatan will be directing the film. Sai Dharam Tej will star in the Telugu version of the film. It is not confirmed who will star in the Tamil version. Anushka and Tamannah were also roped in for this bilingual. Very soon the announcement of this project will come out. On the other side, Sai Dharam Tej is currently busy wrapping up his Thikka.
After Thikka, Sai Dharam also have two more projects in the direction of BVS Ravi and Gopichand Malineni. So he will have to accomodate dates for three projects now. Sai Dharam Tej is becoming a reliable star after having delivered three back to back hits with Pilla Nuvvu Leni Jeevitham, Subrahmanyam for Sale and Supreme.