While Anushka Shetty-starer Rudhramadevi saw the light of the day after dilly dallying for longtime, there is a lot of curiosity, buzz surrounding the project. However, outwitting all, what captivates most of the audiences is the Mega Treat in the film. Barring Anushka’s flawless acting as Queen Rudhramadevi, what may pull masses, crowds is “Mega Treat”.
Mega Star Chiranjeevi’s voice over, Allu Arjun’s goose-bumpingĀ performance as warrior Gona Ganna Reddy sets apart from the rest of the film. In fact, Allu Arjun is one of the highlights of the film and a twist related to him in the climax is makes the movie more engaging. Definitely, Bunny has done a great job and probably it’s his best performance ever in his career so far.
This isĀ not all. Even Ram Charan too made a cameo presence. If you’re wondering how, here it is. Charan’s Bruce Lee Theatrical trailer showcased along with the Rudhramadevi in the screens made the movie complete as all three – Mega Star, Stylish Star and Mega Power Star were seen in various forms enthralling mega fans.
Buzz is that Mega fans may throng to theatres due to the above factors which would help the movie fare well at the ticket windows. Meanwhile, the fans of Anushka Shetty too would be fascinated to watch her as dynamic queen. Anyhow, Gunasekhar has to get maximum benefit within a week as there is Ram Charan’s Bruce Lee slated for Oct 16 release. Let’s wait and see.