Young Mega hero Sai Dharam Tej, who has created a good name for himself as Supreme Hero after his uncle Chiranjeevi’s once upon a time title, is currently basking in the success of his latest film, Supreme.With Supreme, which collected more than 20 crores, Sai has succeeded in establishing himself as a most reliable mass hero among the young Mega heroes. In his latest interview, Sai revealed the reason behind his conscious decision of choosing mass commercial entertainers.
Sai said that all his Mega uncles, Chiru, Pawan and Naga Babu, gave him three rules to always follow before he stepped into films seven years ago. And those important rules were, “take care of your producer, satisfy your director and entertain the audiences.”
Needless to say, Sai has been following his uncles’ rules religiously and is finding success. However, Sai also said that he is game for experimental films and said that both his upcoming films, Thikka and BVS Ravi’s films have experimental shades. Will Sai keep up his uncles’ three rules even with experimental films?