As Aravinda Sametha races against time to meet the deadline of hitting the screens on October 11, director Trivikram has been reportedly worrying about Naga Babu’s health issues. It is known news that Nagababu is playing Tarak’s father character in the action drama. It is said to be a powerful role, which is one of the key factors in the film.
Trivikram is a director who pens all the characters according to the image and acting style of the actors. Nagababu’s towering physique and stern voice are believed to be the reasons for roping him for hero’s father role in Aravinda Sametha. But Nagababu who has been suffering with throat infection from a long time hasn’t recovered yet. He had to take the help of a dubbing artist in the recently released Geetha Govindam too.
The voice didn’t suit him but it has been overlooked as he had a limited role to play in it. Trivikram is hoping that Mega brother would recover by the time of dubbing of Aravinda Sametha. The team is worried that impact of the key scenes would be lost if they use a dubbing artist. Nagababu also is trying his best to recover soon as it is a career defining role for him.