Dil Raju Productions produced the recent sensation Balagam starring Priyadarshi and Kavya Kalyanram. The rural-based family drama that marks the directorial debut of Venu Yeldandi is running successfully in its second week. The film produced by Harshith Reddy, Hanshitha Reddy which won critical accolades is turning out to be a huge commercial hit.
Meanwhile, a special screening of Balagam was held for megastar Chiranjeevi who loved it for the beautiful emotions and genuine narrative. “Balagam is a true and honest film with genuine emotions. Venu, you did complete justice, although you have a commercial producer like Dil Raju. It’s a pakka nativity movie that showed the Telangana culture beautifully. All the very best to the entire team,” said Chiranjeevi.
Chiranjeevi also felicitated the team Balagam.