‘Baby’ is a small film, that turned into a big blockbuster. It was Anand Deverakonda’s first big hit and Vaishnavi Chaitanya is the heroine in it. Viraj played a major role in the movie while Sai Rajesh who penned the story of ‘Color Photo’ directed it. SKN is the producer of this movie which is running successfully in theatres for the third week.
A lot of celebrities got impressed by this movie. Allu Arjun held a special meet and congratulated the team while Ram tweeted about it. Now, Megastar too arrived as the chief guest to the success celebrations and showered praises on them. He talked about each and everyone in the ‘Baby’ team. He called Vaishnavi Chaitanya as a natural actress and said that he loved the variations and makeover shown by her in this flick. He claimed that Vaishnavi has a bright future in the film industry.
He said that everyone needs to encourage new talent and he even lauded Anand Deverakonda’s acting by saying that he was shocked to see Anand’s portrayal of a guy with broken heart. He appreciated Viraj too and claimed that it is great to see a film that was made without a single negative character. He even said that this film should be watched by parents more than children.
Chiru stated that they need to understand how their kids are getting spoiled in this age and even made some interesting comments regarding the climax. He told that he wanted the climax in another way but was impressed by Sai Rajesh’s narration at the end.