Irrespective of results, maverick director Ram Gopal Varma is doing multiple films at a time. His latest film Veerappan is slated for release soon and his other project Vangaveeti which he announced as his last Telugu film is in production stages.As per reports, Ram Gopal Varma will next team up with Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan for third franchise of hit saga- Sarkaar.
The duo earlier collaborated for films like Darna Zaroori Hai, Nishabdh, Ram Gopal Varma Ki Aag, Rann and Department.Recently on RGV’s 54th birthday, Big B had visited the filmmaker’s new office in Versova, called Company and both spent some quality time discussing few things including the story of Sarkar 3. Since it’s a 10-year-old-franchise, RGV and Big B are working on updating the issues.
‘Amitji will be styled pertinent to today’s fashion trends,’ informs RGV.Abhishek Bachchan who was seen in both the parts and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan who was part of the second part won’t be there in Sarkar 3. The new installment will see a new set of characters that weren’t part of earlier parts.Sarkaar 3 will be shot majorly in Mumbai and London. Hope, the third part will be as gripping as the previous installments.