We have heard Bollywood names like Vivek Oberoi and Neil Nithin Mukesh as the villain in Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Prestigious 150th film. But now it is said that the makers have confirmed. Bollywood actor Tarun Arora to play the chief antagonist’s role. Tarun is popular for his roles in Jab We Met, Kanithan and Kaththi Sandai.
Interestingly, Tarun is the husband of Anjala Jhaveri, the heroine of Chiranjeevi’s Chudalani Undi. The movie is currently being shot in near Chevella. Senior Art Director is readying a massive set for the next schedule of the film. The set is being constructed in Nanakramguda where some key scenes will be canned.
On the other side, the heroine hunt of the film is also yet to be completed. So the makers are canning the portions without the heroine. The schedules are chalked out in a way there are no big resting periods as Chiranjeevi is keen to release it for Sankranthi 2017. The First Look Poster of the film will be released on August 22nd as Chiranjeevi’s Birthday Special. The yet to be titled film is the official remake of Tamil blockbuster, Kaththi starring Vijay.