Bollywood slowly has started addressing Salman Khan as megastar after the phenomenal success of his latest outing ‘Bhajrangi Bhaijaan’. One of his heroines, Zareen Khan was recently detained at John F Kennedy International Airport, US and questioned. It’s learnt that she answered all their questions smoothly and then the officials let her go.
Salman Khan gave life to many new heroines in Bollywood. There is one Zareen Khan who caught his eyes, who he cast in his period drama ‘Veer’ as Princess Yashodhara. This Zareen Khan who looks like lookalike of Katrina Kaif was selected by Salman when Katrina Kaif chose to walk out of his life for Ranbir Kapoor.
Zareen’s surname ‘Khan’ might be the reason for her getting detained at the airport. Even Shahrukh Khan was detained at the same airport a few years ago. It’s not always the Khans, even Ranbir Kapoor was once detained in US airport. Sometimes such security clearances cause much embarrassment for actors.