If buzz is to be believed, Megha Akash has sought Rs 50 Lakh as her remuneration for Naga Shaurya’s Narthanasala. This is despite her last two films Lie and Chal Mohan Ranga have bombed at the Box Office and failed to rake in moolah.
With her remuneration seemed a pinch and lack of success track record, the film’s producers and Shaurya’s parents are said to be in a second thought in roping in Megha. The film’s director and producers are hunting for a female lead opposite Shaurya.
Tipped to be an out-and-out entertainer, newcomer Srinivas Chakravarthy, protege of director Krishna Vamsi, is making his directorial debut with the film. While the film’s shoot has already begun, the makers are still searching for a female lead opposite Shaurya.
Initially Mehreen was also considered for the same role, but she was also later dropped for reasons better known to them. Since the film is Shaurya’s immediate film after super success of Chalo, Shaurya’s parents are leaving no leaf unturned to make it a crazy venture. Let’s wait and see.