Known for his speedy shooting skills, director Puri Jagan always wraps films on time. And from last one month or so he’s in Portugal, filming the 101st film of Nandamuri Balakrishna. Other day he named this film as “Paisa Vasool” and surprised all the fans.
A little birdie from the set reveals that 30% of this film will have shots directed by another director. Actually, director Meher Ramesh earlier worked as Puri Jagan’s associate and Puri is the one who gave him chance to direct Kannada version of Andhrawala. Later Meher carved out some classics which shocked every average filmgoer as well.
Forget his flops, but Meher is one stylish filmmaker who could bring ‘style’ to the frame even when there is no substance. That led Puri Jagan to handle him the second unit direction of Paisa Vasool in Portugal, the source shared. In all likelihood, many chases scenes and action episodes are being shot by Meher Ramesh, while Puri Jagan takes care of dialogue version and other emotional scenes.
Definitely, for a filmmaker who has become director already, it’s tough to go back and do the second unit job. But Meher Ramesh has no other option for the kind of flops he delivered and hence he’s hanging around Puri Jagan’s set. That’s the story!!