As India nowadays is being branded as the rapes country with never before heights where every single day generates the victims of molestation, the questions and condemnations are arising out of young generational girls who counter the notions established by certain men and elders who justify rapes as the reactions from the semi-nudity of women.
Now a Mumbai girl called Madhuri Desai posted an ‘open invitation to rape her through a video on YouTube’ delivering the satirical punches on men and certain sections that justify rapes and blame the women in return.
She asks men to rape her but keeps giving the side-kicks to them pointing at their attitude towards their own sisters and mothers. “Your fathers used to gaze at the cleavages and****, and you are the daring sons of them. Only cowards gaze but you are brave, come and rape me…” a part of her whole sentences says.
But however, this video posted as a moral message from the media ‘Active Illusions’ and directed by Manish Gupta, has received mixed responses from the viewers. Some support this quipping sentences of Madhuri while some question or criticize her eccentric way to convey a message… however let’s hope it will bring some change in the attitudes…