In his first-ever meeting with the Prime Minister Narendra Modi after he took over the reigns of Technology giant Microsoft, CEO Satya Nadella vowed complete support to Modi’s Digital India initiative. The Hyderabad-born Satya called on Mr Modi on Friday and also met Finance minister Arun Jaitley and Telecom minister Ravi Shankar Prasad in New Delhi.
It is learnt that both ‘Digital India’ and ‘Make in India’ were vitally discussed in the meetings and Satya pledged Microsoft’s contribution to India. Satya Nadella reportedly told Finance Minister Arun Jaitley that Microsoft is keen on investing more in India. He later met Communication and IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad where Ravi told Satya about India’s potential in e-commerce and how connectivity plays crucial role.
In a statement, the Communication and IT Ministry stated that Ravi Shankar asked Microsoft to work towards digital literacy in India. Microsoft is interested on collaborating with the government in providing last mile Internet connectivity, especially through the Wi-Fi technology, the statement added.
Nadella also shared his ideas on modernisation of government with Prasad stating that Microsoft can help in building secure government controlled digital infrastructure. Other issues like data security and domestic electronic manufacturing were also discussed.