Prabhas’ upcoming movie ‘Mirchi’ is currently in the last leg of shooting. The movie is being shot in Tenkasi, Tamil Nadu for the last 11 day in difficult conditions. There are heavy thunder storms in the region but the unit is shooting there despite all odds. The shooting there will go on till 22nd of this month. With this the major part of the shooting will be completed. Prabhas will begin shooting for Rajamouli movie after a short break.
The movie is being directed by Koratala Shiva and produced by Vamshi Krishna Reddy and Pramod Uppalapati jointly on the banner of UV Creations banner. Devi Sri Prasad is the music composer of the movie. This film also stars Brahmanandam, Satyaraj, Aditya menon and Satyam Rajesh in other important roles.