In few more hours, the first show of Nani’s latest flick MCA, directed by Venu Sriram, will be hitting cinemas. And that’s making butterflies in the stomach moment for talented beauty Sai Pallavi’s fans. Wonder why? Here it goes.
Apparently, love stories and family dramas that feature star heroes will feature a heroine character only until she falls in love. Later the story moves to different turn and different scenes fall into the place pushing the heroine out of frame. Now, fans of Sai Pallavi are wondered if MCA is any different.
Going by the trailer, it looks like film’s second half actually orbits around Bhumika topped with a lot of action episodes. And that action drama has a plot that revolves around the former heroine. In that case, where is Sai Pallavi fitting there, and what sort of confrontational scenes she will have with Nani or anyone to prove her mettle, asks her fans.
They are assuming and disappointed that Sai Pallavi may appear only in first half, and a couple of scenes, and disappears. Currently, fans of the actress are getting many such mixed feelings and thoughts, and only the film will be able to clear it.