Former Union Minister and Congress Rajya sabha MP, Mega Star Chiranjeevi launched blistering attack on Union Government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Speaking at Anantapur he said BJP Government is has no policy to rule the country.
Blasting Prime Minister Narendra Modi he said in the run up to general elections his party promised to reveal all the names of black money account holders in foreign banks, control price rise with in 100 days. He said even after 100 days there is no trace of prices coming down and BJP is using black money issue only to blackmail Congress party and their leaders.
Chiranjeevi said after all the hype that Congress ministers were involved, Union Government shied away from submitting the complete list to Supreme court. He said Union Government submitted mere three names and after facing wrath of Supreme Court, they submitted 670 names and that too all those are old names. He even lashed out at AP CM Chandra Babu saying he has no clout at Centre and is only indulging in some publicity gimmicks.