Making the conflict between government and CBI look even uglier, Narendra Modi government has fired CBI director Alok Verma from his post. The ousting, which Modi is in favour of, was done within 48 hours after the Supreme Court order on January 8th has reinstated Alok Verma as CBI chief. But, the supreme court did not allow him to take up any major policy decisions until the corruption charges against him gets cleared.
The apex court asked a three-member selection committee, which includes PM Narendra Modi, leader of opposition-Mallikarjun Kharge and SC judge A.K Sikri, to consider Verma’s case within a week. While Modi and Sikri voted for his removal, the leader of opposition Kharge has opposed it during the panel meeting on Thursday. As per a national media report, the Modi government has said ‘Verma’s continuance as director would be detrimental to the CBI’s institutional integrity.’
PM Modi immediately named additional director Nageshwar Rao as interim chief of CBI, until the selection for new director gets finished. In the meanwhile, the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has transferred Alok Verma as “DG Fire services, Civil Defence and Home Gaurd”. Alok Verma’s sacking has come down just 20 days before he was set to finish his 2-year fixed tenure. He was set to retire on January 31.
The opposition Congress party attacked Modi government and termed the removal of CBI chief ‘unfair’ by adding “This shows that PM Modi is very much scared of the investigation against Alok Verma.”