Amid increasing resentment from BJP leaders against Telangana CM KCR’s ‘Modi Gadiki’ remark made at a public meeting, which is being perceived as a derogatory remark against the PM, the chief minister’s daughter and Nizamabad MP K Kavitha came out with a cautious response on the sensitive issue.
Kavitha said that her father had not made the ‘Modi Gadiki’ comment deliberately, and that it had rather been accidental. She stressed that KCR didn’t mean to insult the Prime Minister and that his statement should not be taken as demeaning.
Saying that her father had high regard for Modi, Kavitha appealed BJP leaders to stop politicizing the issue. She asked them to instead support Telangana government in getting more funds from the Centre. The government will not sit calm if the Centre does not render justice to Telangana in fulfilling the promises, she added.