New Delhi: Union Urban Development Minister Venkaiah Naidu on Saturday said Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a “gift to the nation from God” and that his image helped BJP win the Assam assembly elections.”He is a gift from the God to the nation. Modi takes decisions keeping in mind the benefits and interests of the poor. The Modi government has implemented schemes from pensions to antodaya which are beneficial for the poor,” he told ETV News in an interview.
The minister said the BJP won because of its strong organisation, capable leadership and the prime minister’s public image. “Fifteen years of Congress misrule (in Assam) is also a reason that helped the BJP win in the state. The result is a combination of all these reasons,” he said. He described Modi as ‘Making of Developed India’.Taking a dig at the Congress, Naidu said the opposition party was losing power in every state due to its wrong policies.
“The Congress (support) is confined to six percent population. Whereas the BJP is spreading from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. Our vote percentage in Bengal has increased. In Kerala and Tamil Nadu too our presence has increased,” Naidu said. Naidu advised the Congress to introspect on its electoral losses. As for the achievements of the Modi government in two years, Naidu said no corruption charge had been made against anyone in the government till date. On March 20 also, Naidu had dubbed Modi as “God’s gift to India” and a “messiah of the poor” and said India is recognised and respected everywhere because of him.
“Modi is God’s gift for India. He is the messiah of the poor. He inherited challenges in each and every sector. He is steering clear of them,” Naidu said while moving the political resolution adopted on the final day of the two-day BJP national executive meet here.