Pawan Kalyan made a dashing entry on Twitter and he is about to reach 1 lakh followers in less than 24 hours. Most of the South Indian film fraternity has welcomed him and his fans are celebrating Powerstar’s entry in a grand way.
However, most of them are disappointed that Prime Minister Narendra Modi & Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandra Babu Naidu didn’t send any message to Pawan Kalyan on Twitter. Generally, Modi welcomes his friends with a warm greetings on Twitter (Like he did it for Superstar Rajinikanth) and he said in numerous occasions that Pawan Kalyan is a very good friend to him.
Even Chandrababu is tech savvy and he never misses a chance to congratulate sportspersons and actors on Twitter. Well, we need to wait and see whether Modi and Chandrababu will welcome their star campaigner over Twitter or just ignore him.