As soon as the word is out that BJP secured a great ‘Twin Win’ in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh Assembly polls, Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to Twitter and wrote, “I bow to the people of Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh for their affection and trust in BJP. I assure them that we will leave no stone unturned in furthering the development journey of these states and serve the people tirelessly.”
After emerging victorious, Modi delivered a victory speech at the BJP headquarters in Delhi. In a fiery victory speech, Modi set ignition for the 2019 general polls. He reiterated his ‘development’ plank.
Highlights of Modi’s Victory Speech
– It was said BJP will lose due to GST during UP elections & Maharashtra Local Body Polls. But those results proved that the country is ready for reform.
– Country is looking towards things that perform in positive way and believes in transformation.
– Gujarat polls gave me double happiness.
– Coming to power for the 6th time is a special feat.
– After 2014, there is a hunger for development. Even if you do not like BJP, do not try to stop the progress being made towards development.
– Congress hatched so many conspiracies in Gujarat to stop BJP from winning.
– But people cannot bear if anyone makes fun of development.
Amit Shah’s First Response on Victory
In his first response on victory in both the states, BJP president Amit Shah said the BJP will form the governments in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh, and rejected suggestions that there was a “close fight” with the Congress in his home state.
He asserted that the poll outcome in favour of the BJP is a “victory of performance and development against political dynasty.” Shah also attributed the party’s victory in Gujarat to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s popularity and public welfare works carried out by the Centre and the state government.
He also congratulated and complimented the leaders and party workers in both states for their victory.
Not Close Contest
“We won comfortably, increased our vote share. It was not a close contest at all. This is a lesson to the parties which indulge in caste-politics and dynasty,” said Amit Shah. As per the poll outcome, he said the voting percentage was in favour of the BJP in Gujarat, as it increased to 49.10 percent from 47.85 percent in 2012.