Prime Minister Narendra Modi appears to be more impressed with Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao than his AP counterpart N Chandrababu Naidu. May be he is of the view that KCR is man of actions, whereas Naidu is man of just words. According to TRS Member of Parliament Boora Narsaiah Goud the Centre and the Prime Minister are giving high importance to the Telangana Chief Minister. “
Modi has given a lot of importance to the suggestions given by KCR in the matter relating to the Planning Commission. The Centre has incorporated many suggestions made by the Chief Minister in the new Planning Commission”, he said and expressed gratitude to the Prime Minister. “The Chief Minister has pleaded with the Prime Minister that the States should have the right to formulate programmes, as they are to be implemented in the States.
The Centre is giving utmost importance to Telangana Chief Minister than any other State”, he said. The MP said they agreed with the opinion of Union Minister M Venkaiah Naidu that there were many loopholes in the Andhra Pradesh State Reorganization Act. There is need for creating statutory status for Power and Water issues.
There was also need for amending Article 371-D of the Constitution in regard to Medical seats in the country, he stated and added they were in favour of changes in the Act. . Narsaiah Goud also said that the speeches of TRS MPs also brought some change in the attitude of the Centre. He made it clear that they have no ideological differences with the Centre, but they were forced to adopt a tough attitude only when the interests of Telangana are at stake.