Lashing out at Prime Minister Narendra Modi for touching down in Pakistan, Shiv Sena, on Tuesday, in the wake of Pathankot terror strike, alleged that seven soldiers lost their life due to PM Modi’s tea with Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.
Launching a scathing verbal attack, the Sena asked the PM to look into the security matters of the country after Pathankot terror strike. Sena in its editorial mouthpiece Saamna stated, ‘Having tea with Nawaz Sharif is Prime Minister Modi’s personal prerogative, but for that tea we have given seven of our brave soldiers. Why these soldiers were martyred and why the nation is not fighting? We need an answer.’
Sena, which is an ally of BJP, said that Pakistan had destructed India’s credibility by deploying terrorists to Punjab. They further censured the centre for being in dark regarding the facts of the attack. Modi had visited Pakistan and met Sharif on December 25, 2015. ‘Jaish-e-Mohammed attacked the air base just after Prime Minister Modi’s return from Pakistan,’ says the editorial.
Sena further taking a dig at Pakistan for condemning the Pathankot terror attack said that Islamabad was ‘faking’ by showing concern or criticizing the attack. ‘If you really want to improve the relations between India then hand over Maulana Masood Azhar, the mastermind of the Pathankot air base attack.,’ it added.