Errum Manzil court in Hyderabad on Tuesday sentenced Tollywood veteran actor Mohan Babu to one year imprisonment in a cheque bounce case. The court clarified that all the sentences would be served concurrently.
This case was filed by director YVS Chowdhary in 2009. Mohan Babu had given a cheque to director Chowdhary as part of remuneration for the movie “Saleem” starring Mohan Babu’s son Manchu Vishnu but the cheque was not honoured.
YVS repeatedly asked Mohan Babu to clear the money but he refused. So, YVS filed case in court.
The court on April 2nd had held the actor Mohan Babu guilty in the case.
Also, the Magistrate asked Mohan Babu to pay Rs 43 lakhs to the complainant. Failing which, he will have to serve another three months imprisonment.
However, he was granted bail in a short period of time.