Raveena Tandon, one of the top heroines of bollywood in nineties is busy with TV game shows now. This heroine is said to have been approached by the the makers of tollywood, who are going to produce a big budgeted movie with mohan babu as the hero. The details of the movie are yet to be known. Currently, the negotiations are being made with Raveena to be roped her in opposite to mohan babu in this film. However, her final decision is awaited.
Twenty years ago, Raveena Tandon was seen as one of the female leads of ‘Bangaru Bullodu’ starred by Balakrishna. Meanwhile, mohan babu earlier romanced with some of the bollywood beauties such as Divya Bharathi in ‘Assembly Rowdy’, Shilpa Shetty in ‘Veedevadandee Baboo’ etc.