Malayalam Superstar Mohanlal is making a comeback to Telugu film industry with Janatha Garage. The Superstar had pinned high hopes on this film. Mohanlal wants to give his 100% to his role and decided to dub himself for the Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam versions of the film. NTR is shooting non-stop for his Janatha Garage to ensure August 12th release.
The makers are planning to complete the entire shoot by August 1st. Post Production works are also being completed simultaneously to ensure August 12th release. The recently released first look posters have set the expectations soaring. The First Look Teaser of the film will release very soon.
The release date works in the movie’s favour as there is a long weekend holiday due to Independence day holiday on Monday and one more holiday in the first week itself for Raksha Bandhan. Devi Sri Prasad is the music composer. Samantha and Nithya Menen are the heroines. Koratala Siva is wielding megaphone for this film.