TRS working president KT Rama Rao said even his parents lost their land for the construction of Kaleshwaram project. KTR on Monday inspected the ninth package of the project and Malakpet reservoir works in Rajanna Siricilla district.
After the inspection, KTR spoke to the media and said, my mother owes a piece of land but she lost it under the mid-Maneru works. The TRS government will do complete justice for people who have donated their land for the construction of Kaleshwaram. With this project, 45 lakh acres will get water for agriculture. CM KCR’s dream to provide water for one crore acres will come true in few more days.
Also KTR said two lakh acres in Siricilla district will get water for farming very soon and hereafter farmers need not worry about water and electricity. Complimenting the engineers behind the project, the major credit should go to them for working tireless.
KTR’s son Himanshu also accompanied his father in the visit and had a look at the Kaleshwaram project. The media tried to reach him for a comment but he did not.