Prince Mahesh’s ‘Arjun’ movie was released on 18 August, 2004 and stood as an average grosser at the box office. The move had sister sentiment in it and Keethi Reddy was seen as Mahesh’s sister. This Gunasekhar’s directorial venture was produced by Ramesh Babu then. And this movie was made as the second project in the combo of Mahesh-Gunasekhar after ‘Okkadu’.
In ‘aagadu‘, Nadhiya has played the role of Mahesh’s sister. The movie has reportedly sister sentiment in it. This film was co produced by Ramesh Babu. Mahesh and Srinu Vaitla’s combo worked for second time after ‘Dookudu’. Co-incidentally, ‘Aagadu‘ appears to have good number of similarities with ‘Arjun’.The movie has milky beauty Tamannah in the female lead role. Thaman compsed the music of the move. 14 Reels Entertainment is the production house.