Pink is not just a color. It is used to represent women most of the time. Many women like Pink. Very rarely we see men wearing pink. But a few male politicians wore pink heels and entered the Parliament House. They did it on purpose to support women and encourage men to raise their voices against violence.
A few politicians in Canada took part in ‘Hope in High Heels’, an initiative that was started to support women. The Parliamentarians wore Pink Heels and entered the house. They roamed around the house without any hesitation and are getting applause.
Violence against women is a big concern in the world and the data says that one in three women across the world experiences physical or sexual violence at least in their life. We can understand how problematic the situation is.
From their side, the male Politicians took an initiative and wore pink heels to participate in the ‘Hope in High Heels’. The idea behind the initiative is to give a message to women that they have hope for a better future.
A few female MPs appreciated their colleagues for their work and said that they are welcoming them. Saying that to end gender-based violence, men and women should be educated as a measure, the lady legislators said that what the men MPs did is very good.
However, the MPs walking in Pink Heels also got a negative response and many ask what the MPs want to do with that. They say that, instead of weaning such things, they should focus on taking the required measures to end the violence against women.