After Pawan Kalyan, it’s YSRCP chief Jagan Mohan Reddy’s turn to escalate and fight for AP special category status. During his Prajasankalpa Yatra in Kaligiri town of Nellore district this evening, the opposition leader of state made a sensational and aggressive announcement that all the MPs of YSR Congress Party will submit their resignations if Centre is not going to give special status by 5th of April.
In one his tweets, Jagan Mohan Reddy reiterated that YSRCP will settle for nothing less than Special Category Status for Andhra Pradesh state. The declaration in Kaligiri meeting came after Jagan’s meeting his key party leaders on Monday.
‘YSR Congress Party MPs will continue to protest in the coming Parliament session from March 5th in New Delhi and if Centre offers no clarity on Special Status by April 5th (last day of session), all our Lok Sabha MPs will submit their resignations and return to state,’ declared Jagan by stating that Andhra’s interest is paramount and so, his fight for Special Status will continue till last breath.
Once Jagan Mohan made his party’s stand public, there has been several discussions, debates and comments on news channels and social media platforms. On other hand, YSRCP leaders are demanding the resignation for TDP MPs too. However, leaders of Telugu Desham Party are striking it off as a political move ahead of elections next year.