For the first-time, director Dasaradh and ‘Victory’ Venkatesh are teaming up if Film Nagar reports are anything to go by. Dasaradh, who made successful films like Mr Perfect, Santosham, is currently working on the script for Venky’s film. Buzz is that Dasaradh had narrated a story line to Venky sometime back to which the actor given his nod immediately and asked him to develop the script.
Latest buzz is that Dasaradh is now giving final touches to the script and the film will be formally launched in the next month. As his previous film Greeku Veerudu tanked without a trace and considering that he is going through rough phase, Dasaradh said to have taken special care on the project.
Already Venky is riding high with his recent successes like Drushyam and Gopala Gopala. So, it’d be cake walk for Dasaradh to sail with Venky’s charm. The cast and other crew are yet to be finalised.