Mrunal Thakur, a captivating actress making waves in both North and South Indian cinema, recently offered a glimpse into the struggles beneath the glamour. While basking in the success of films like “Sita Ramam” and “Hi Nanna,” and maintaining her popularity despite “Family Star’s” outcome, she opened up about personal battles with body shaming, fame’s pressures, and the ever-evolving beauty standards.
In a candid interview, Thakur acknowledged the emotional toll of her rising stardom. “There were days where I didn’t want to wake up,” she confessed. However, she found strength in self-reliance. “I did, not for others, but for myself,” she stated, acknowledging the importance of personal well-being. “It’s normal for you to feel not okay,” she emphasized, highlighting the normalcy of emotional lows and the crucial support system of family.
Beyond the emotional challenges, Thakur addressed the issue of body image. “I’m going to change that beauty standard by flaunting my curves,” she declared, challenging the narrow definitions of beauty. She expressed her past hesitation towards body-hugging clothing but now embraces such styles with confidence. Further challenging the dominance of Western ideals, she questioned, “Why do we need Kardashians to set the beauty standards?” Thakur instead celebrated the inherent beauty of Indian women, emphasizing their diverse and captivating figures.
Finally, Thakur touched upon the complexities of balancing relationships with a demanding career. “Relationships—I know it’s tough,” she acknowledged, highlighting the need for a supportive partner who understands the nature of her profession. She also revealed her consideration of freezing eggs, a decision many women in demanding careers are increasingly making.
Mrunal Thakur’s journey serves as an inspiration. She navigates the pressures of fame while advocating for self-acceptance and challenging narrow beauty standards. As we await her next Telugu project, it’s clear that Thakur is an actress who is both captivating on screen and refreshingly candid off it.