According to reports, Indian Cricket Captain MS Dhoni will soon be turning father. Dhoni’s wife Sakshi is reportedly carrying and expecting a baby soon. Dhoni and Sakshi tied the knot in July 2010 and has been popular couple since then.
The couple is expecting their first child. Sakshi completed her Hotel Management studies and a prominent face during India’s games across the globe. Adding to this, she has been shying away from media for a while confirming the speculations that she is carrying.
Dhoni had led the Indian cricket team to the victory in the World Cup in 2011 after entering into the wedlock with Sakshi. And he considers Sakshi as his lucky mascot. At a time, Dhoni is bracing up for World Cup 2015, Dhoni all set to become father come as great news for cricket fans in India.
Though Dhoni is facing severe wrath due to the team’s dismal performance during recent Australia tri series, now fans are hoping for Dhoni to make a good comeback.