Leave aside audiences, even director Teja might not have expected to get Rs 5 Cr remuneration for a film, such had been his track record in the past decade. As per reports, both Teja and Rana Daggubati pocketed Rs 5 crore each as part of their share from profits of ‘Nene Raju Nene Manthri’.
The political drama was made on a budget of around Rs 12 crore, and it recovered all that amount from the satellite rights (Telugu, Tamil and Hindi) itself, before release. So, all the money coming in the form of box office revenue is profit for the producer. The film has so far earned a whopping Rs 25 crore profit, ensuring both the actor and director pocket Rs 5 crore each as part of the agreement.
NRNM is the biggest solo hit of Rana, and the career saving comeback film for Teja.