Throwing stones on Ram Gopal Varma is pretty easy and he has seen many such stones hitting him throughout his career. And now, his latest film featuring Nagarjuna in the lead is getting similar crackdown from many quarters. As he prepares “Officer” to hit cinemas on May 25th, here is what happens to it now.
Earlier an aspiring director named Jaya Kumar who worked in the direction department of Ram Gopal Varma has shot to fame by claiming that he is the original writer of God, Sex and Truth and Varma has blatantly copied a script he mailed to him. Other day he expressed doubts that RGV might have grabbed another of his story to come up with Nagarjuna’s “Officer”. This is one side of the rumours that have hit this film.
Other side is that some rumours sprouted that “Officer” is a direct lift from super hit Hollywood film “Taken” that featured Liam Neeson in the lead. The film is about a former CIA executive who saves his kidnapped daughter from the hands of kidnappers. In the wake of many films like Agnyaathavasi facing such allegations and them turning true as well, this rumour around “Officer” is also sounding a bit believable owing to Nag’s salt and pepper look.
But the fact is that, hero Srikanth already lifted “Taken” movie long back and came up with the Indianised version through ‘Veediki Dookudekkuva’ and the film ended up as a dud. Tollywood is pretty good at ripping foreign movies you know!!