After the much-acclaimed performance in the period drama Kanche, Varun Tej no longer wants to repeat roles. The actor is now gearing up for the release of Puri Jagannadh’s Loafer, in which he will be seen in a different avatar. “I don’t want to restrict myself to one genre. My role in Loafer is quite different from that in Kanche and Mukunda. I play a conman in Loafer,” Varun says.
However, he is at ease with both Loafer and Kanche directors. “Krish and Puri Jagannadh are not too different; it’s just that their working styles are different. With Puri, shooting is a lot of fun. He gives actors a lot of space and takes inputs from us. On the other hand, Krish is satisfied only if we actors give him what he wants.”
2015 has indeed been a great year for Varun. “Kanche got me acceptance as an actor; it’s success indicates that people are ready for a change, which is definitely going to drive me towards different kinds of movies.” “There are quite a few interesting roles to choose from. I will finalise one more project very soon.”