Young Tiger NTR gave a sleepless night to many the other day. At the stroke of midnight, he tweeted, “Fans have been asking the dates of Nannaku Prematho audio and movie.i wish I knew when it is!i have no clue what is happening (sic)”.
The tweet was posted twice and deleted after some time. Fans suddenly was taken back with this happening and NTR himself feeling helpless. They began digging conspiracy theories about what could have gone wrong.
Extreme reasons like Balayya blackmailing for the postponement through TDP government to Bad Financial Positiion of the Producer came in to discussion. But then, NTR posted a clarification tweet that some one hacked in to his account and Tweeted that.
But one can not ignore the uncanny resemblance to both the deleted and clarification tweets in terms of writting pattern and grammatical mistakes. So hacking may not be the right thing!