Naga Chaitanya took a small break from shoots post the successful Majili release. He took time to decide on his next film and finally went for Love Story, with Shekar Kammula as director.
He finished Venky Mama with Venkatesh in the direction of Bobby and started to mould himself to look like a neighborhood boy for Sekhar Kammula’s film.
The shoot of the film took time to finish even though the producers first aimed for early Summer, 2020 release. They had to postpone their date for few weeks. But the pandemic has pushed their release plans indefinitely.
Now, we hear that Naga Chaitanya is being asked by producers to agree for an OTT release of the film. Sai Pallavi, the leading lady has no objection and director, Sekhar Kammula asked the producers to first clear the things with Naga Chaitanya, say sources.
The movie team has restarted shooting and it is going with limited crew at different locations. Naga Chaitanya might decide on OTT release of the film post the completion of shoot and when he gets clear indications about theaters re-opening in one or two weeks.