Few days ago, there is a buzz that Naga Chaitanya’s Premam and NTR’s Janatha Garage will clash at the box office on August 12th as Independence day Special. August 12th is a very beneficial date since there is a long weekend due to Independence day holiday on Monday and then there is one more holiday in the first week due to Raksha Bandhan.
However it is emerging that Naga Chaitanya is contemplating to avoid the clash and Premam may be pushed to August 25th, maintaining a good two weeks gap with Janatha Garage. In a way, it is good for both the films. Premam is complete except for two songs. The two songs will be canned in abroad in the schedule which will begin from June 20th.
We are said that plans are on to release the audio of the film on July 23rd. Chaitanya will be seen as Vikram in the film while Shruti Hassan will be seen as Sitara in the movie. Karthikeya fame Chandoo Mondeti is wielding megaphone for this remake film. Premam girls – Anupama Parameshwaran and Madonna Sebastine are also acting in this film