Way back in 2009, comedian Prithvi used to work in Prajarajyam Party along with Mega brother Nagababu. But now, he is into YSR Congress party and recently faced flak from the mega brother for the comedian’s comments about inflows of funds to Janasena Party.
Recently in an interview when a host asked Nagababu about the comments of Prithvi, the mega brother challenged the comedian to call him. “Orey Prithvi, call me today, we will talk about this,” said Nagababu. Talking about this, now Prithvi stated that he has called up Nagababu for real. And he revealed that never he spoke ill of Janasena.
“I’ve called Nagababu garu that night itself at 11’o clock and spoke to him. I told him that never I made any such blunt comments on Janasena. And asked Nagababu if he thinks that I’ll anytime make such baseless comments?. That’s it the issue got sorted out” said Prithvi.
Though Prithvi is into YSR Congress now, he is said to be refusing to go against Mega family or Janasena party for his previous ties with them. But what we have to see here, will YS Jagan tolerate him for not going hard against Pawan and his brother?