Finally mega brother Nagababu has opened his mouth directly and sent a Condemnation Note to media about the ‘political entry’ media is boasting all these days about. Blasting media of confusing Mega fans, mega brother stated that it is not good on media’s part to publish and air baseless stories.
‘All the stories that me and Pawan Kalyan are venturing into active politics and joining Telugudesam party are baseless. Without taking a note from us and without our consent it is not credible to publish such stories. Because of these stories, fans and people will get confused’, said Nagababu, condemning all the rumours.
On a concluding note, he stated like this. ‘As of now, both me and Pawan are busy in our respective work. I hope fans and people will understand this’, said Nagababu.
Hope this conclusion from Nagababu will give a full and final full stop all those rumours that Pawan Kalyan is joining Telugudesam party.