If the buzz in the Filmnagar is to be believed, Akkineni Nagarjuna was approached by a senior director with a proposal to make a Biopic on Telangana Fighter, Komaram Bheem. Initially Nagarjuna was not convinced if he can pull off the script and character but the director managed to convince the actor at least to consider doing the film.
Komaram Bheem was a tribal leader from Telangana region who fought against the Asaf Jahi Dynasty for the liberation of Hyderabad.He openly fought against the ruling Nizam government in a guerrilla campaign and defied courts, laws, and any other form of Nizam authority. Senior Actor Balakrishna acted a little cameo as Komaram Bheem in Dasari Narayana Rao’s Parama Veera Chakra. But since the movie is a flop, the role went unnoticed.
Nagarjuna is currently shooting for his new film, Soggade Chinni Nayane and Meelo Evaru Koteeswarudu TV Show. Nagarjuna was in a simple dilemma when he was approached for Annamayya film but he pulled it off splendidly. We will have to see if he okays this Komaram Bheem Biopic too! If he does, then it will be a treat for sure for the actor’s fans in Nizam region.