Star director VV Vinayak has failed to impress Nagarjuna yet again. It is already reported that Vinayak has been finalized as the director for Akkineni Akhil’s debut film. Nagarjuna also has okayed the story line and made plans to launch Akhil’s film on Nov 24th. However, Vinayak and his team of writers have failed to come up with convincing climax for the film.
Nagarjuna is not willing to take any chances with the launch of his younger son. Nag had bitter experience with the debut film of Naga Chaitanya, who is still struggling to make it to the elite league. So Nagarjuna is very particular about every detail of Akhil’s film. He has once again made it clear to the team that they will go to the sets only after he is hundred percent convinced with the script.
Vinayak and his writers team is currently working on the climax and they will meet Nagarjuna soon to give another narration. Akhil’s film will be launched after getting a positive nod from Nagarjuna. In all likeliness, we could expect Akhil’s debut film to hit the screens for next Dussera.