In the wake of a gang of top producers deciding to advertise only with Top 2 Telugu news channels and cutting out promotions to other channels, now a steamy war is taking place between media folks and cine celebrities. After mega producer Bandla Ganesh washed his hands off this issue by claiming innocence of the decision taken and stating that he is not party with it, here comes King Nagarjuna.
‘I’ve no issues with any media house or media person. And I’ll respect the decisions that are taken only by Film Chamber, Producers Council and other legal bodies. I would love to follow their decisions. Otherwise, I’ve no interference with any of the certain decisions taken by some people’, said Nagarjuna, as published by a leading print media house. This is quite a diplomatic statement by the Annapurna Studios head for sure.
On flip side, almost all the big producers are firm on their stand of denying advertisements to all the 20+ Telugu channels as that is costing them nearly 40 lakhs budget.