King Nagarjuna watched his Oopiri the other day. The actor is extremely happy with the output and shared his joy with the media in a pressmeet arranged a short while ago. “I saw the film yesterday. Double Happy.
I put a cap for Sankranthi with the super success of Soggade Chinni Nayana and I will add a feather to it with Oopiri. Its a life changing film for me,” the actor said. The makers are rigorously promoting the film ahead of its release on 25th of this month.
Nagarjuna is playing the role of a quadriplegic bound to a wheelchair and Karthi will be seen as his caretaker in the film. The movie is the official remake of French Film, the Untouchables. Some changes were made to the script to suit to the sensibilities of the Telugu and Tamil audience. Since Manam, Nagarjuna seem to be a different actor.
He is putting lot of effort in choosing different subjects. Directed By Vamshi Paidipalli, Oopiri has music by Gopi Sunder and photography by P S Vinod. The movie was shot in never before seen exotic locales of France, Bulgaria, Slovenia and India.