Tabu who paired up with Nagarjuna in films like Ninne Pelladutha, Aavida Maa Avide, Sisindri is the actor’s favourite heroine and co-star, the actor said many days. Tabu disappeared from Tollywood for a long time and is only seen in Bollywood films these days. She was last seen in Telugu in Balakrishna’s Panduranga.
Tabu is making a comeback to Tollywood as she was offered a crucial role in Anushka’s Bhagmathi. The actress was also offered a hefty pay cheque for the role and she will join the team in mid-August. Bhagmathi is currently being shot at the outskirts of Hyderabad. Unni Mukundan is playing the male lead.
Going by the title every one thought, it will be period film but then Anushka the other day revealed that the movie is a modern techno-thriller and will be high on twists and turns. Pilla Jamindar fame Ashok is wielding megaphone for this film starring Anushka. UV Creations, which happens to be one of the most popular and successful production houses in Tollywood in the recent times, is producing the film.